Electronic hardware Kin Kwan Leung

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About Me

My name is Kin Kwan Leung. I am a recent mechanical engineering graduate that studied at The University of Manchester. Originally a computer science student, I decided that a career that incorporates aspects of both mechanical engineering and computer science would be my ideal career, hence I switched courses but continued to hone my skills as a programmer. With my most familiar languages being Java, Python, MATLAB and G-Code, I have also used the Arduino programming language for several projects in the past. Having done an introductory course on HTML, CSS and JavaScript by Duke University, I decided to develop my newfound skills by building a website from scratch, resulting in the creation of this website. As a future mechanical engineer, I am eager to learn about the manufacturing methods in the current world; especially in CNC machining and additive manufacturing, and I have continued to do so through relevant course units and self-reading.

My hobbies include salsa/bachata dancing and kayaking. During my time as the social secretary of the Manchester University Canoe Club, the combination of planning, organising and teamwork resulted in the nomination and award of Club Committee Member of the Year by the University of Manchester Athletics’ Union.

Pen and notebook CV